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The Imagine Neighborhood launched in the same week that schools started closing for public health and safety during COVID-19. Since those closures began, the team at Committee for Children (the nonprofit behind The Imagine Neighborhood and Second Step Social-Emotional Learning) has been working hard! We're creating new episodes beyond our original season, incorporating your feedback, and providing episodes to help kids during school closures and parents who are homeschooling.
We're so grateful for the parents and educators who write in with their ideas and suggestions—and we are excited to take that feedback and launch The Imagine Neighborhood: Daily Adventures! These original, research-based activities are an extension of the Problem Solving Unit concepts and lessons in Second Step K–5 SEL. Kids and families will learn problem-solving skills like calming down, taking others’ perspectives, considering consequences, making plans, and being assertive.
These Daily Adventures will follow weekly themes and offer a daily activity or experience. Here's how the week will go:
We’ll have you covered for the last six weeks of the 2019–2020 school year, with our last episode scheduled for June 12. Teachers can add the Daily Adventures directly to their Google Classrooms and link families to content through The Imagine Neighborhood website. You can also sign up for our mailing list and we'll send you the new activities every week. Play, listen, move, and practice mindfulness while learning important social-emotional skills that will make staying home a little more manageable—and hopefully a lot more fun!