Grab this printable PDF with discussion topics and creative inspirations from the episode "Work It to Win It"
(original airdate 3/7/2022)

From schoolwork to sports, it feels terrific to be good at something. But what do we do if we want to be great? We practice! In this episode, Doctor Apocalypso is competing in the greatest unicycle race in the world, but she hasn’t practiced at all! She thinks her natural ability will be enough to win the trophy—but co-pilot Scotty isn’t so sure. Will Doc learn that you have to “work it to win it”—even if you have talent and self-confidence? Will Scotty survive Doc’s skull-crusher slide move? Will anyone ever understand a word that unicycle champion Luda LeCruiser is saying? To find out, buckle up and climb aboard for today’s twisty, turny, mud-splattered, high octane, and mutant-frog-filled ride!